SupraWEB Single Sign-On (SSO) Instructions
Supra is releasing a new Single Sign-On (SSO) for keyholders. If you have set up a user ID and password previously, you will continue to use that user ID and password to login to SupraWEB.
If you need to set up a new user ID and password, follow these instructions.
Set Up SSO user ID and password
- Go to www.supraekey.com and select Agents - Log on to SupraWEB.
The screen shown below is displayed.
- Select the Register button in the lower left. The SSO Registration Application screen opens.
- Fill out the User Registration Application screen.
When you are creating your user ID and password, there are some guidelines you need to follow:
- Your user ID must be at least 3 characters and a maximum of 60 characters. It can only contain the special characters @ . _ - to accommodate characters used in email addresses. Special characters are not allowed in the first or last character. For example, ‘joanthompson’ would be a valid user ID as would ‘joanthompson@utc.com’ but ‘@joanthompson’ would not. When possible, it’s a good idea to use some variation of a user name you are already using, such as your initials followed by your NRDS number, your MLS login, or your email address.
- Your password is case sensitive and must be at least 8 characters long.
It must start with a letter and must contain at least one number.

- After filling out all of the information on the screen, scroll down and click Submit.
A confirmation page is displayed.
- Click Continue and you are returned to the SSO login page.
- Login with your new user ID and password and click Login. The Welcome to SupraWEB screen displays.
- The first time you login with your new user ID and password you’ll need to enter your key serial number and
PIN and choose your Association/MLS from the dropdown.
You will now be logged in to SupraWEB and in the future only login with your new user ID and password.
If you have any questions about logging in to SupraWEB, please contact Support at 1-877-699-6787.
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 12:56